Sunday, July 15, 2012

Eczema Symptoms Pictures

Generally, the main parts of the body on which eczema can appear are the folds of your body, like the back part of your elbow and the back part of your knee, on your face, on your hands and neck, as well as on your upper chest. if you are suffering from atopic eczema, all of the above mentioned areas can be affected, while the scalp, the trunk and the diaper area (in infants) may also be added to this list. Contact dermatitis can appear on any part of your body if that area comes in contact with an irritant substance or with a substance to which the patient is allergic. Lower legs, especially the ankle area, are affected by varicose eczema because this skin condition is caused by the poor circulation in your feet area.

Stasis dermatitis can only be located in the lower part of the legs in persons who already suffer from varicose legs and poor blood circulation. The discoid eczema only appears on arms and legs, in middle aged persons. Hand eczema, as its name points out, it is a skin condition which only affects your hands, while nummular eczema can be found on adult people's chest, arms and legs. Lichen simplex chronicus mainly affects the back of the neck, the wrist, the groin and the ankle as well as other areas where people tend to scratch excessively, most often because of a nervous habit. Lastly, Seborrheic dermatitis usually occurs on the scalp and in most adults it is known as dandruff.


baby eczema
Baby Eczema

eczema picture
Eczema Picture

nail eczema
Nail Eczema

parts on body with eczema
Parts on body with eczema

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eczema is used to describe a variety of skin conditions that result in skin inflammation. Eczema is not only an unsightly skin condition, it can also have deep emotional and physical effects on suffers.
Eczema Symptoms

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