Sunday, June 10, 2012

Overview of Eczema Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Eczema is a skin condition that occurs as a result of acute lesions forming in the skin, triggered by contact with allergen. After the lesions break and dry up, they normally leave healed marks of scars in the body. Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema and it affects people across all ages and races. It is a skin disorder that disappears after sometimes if treated properly and avoids contact with allergen; however there is no cure for this condition as yet.

Eczema generally occurs in any part of the body. There is tendency for eczema to affect neck area and also on the flexures of legs and hands in adult. It mainly attacks the torso and scalp of infants. It also attacks the elbows and knees of crawling toddler.

What Causes Eczema

The disorder is linked to some abnormal immunology in individuals which relates to some kind of abnormality in genes. This means that it is a genetic disorder affecting certain group of people whose body systems are unable to defend themselves against some fungal, bacterial and viral attacks. And because it’s genetic, the tendency to contact this disorder runs in the family. If any member of a family had had environment sensitivity such as asthma or hay fever, the probability to contact eczema multiplied. Environmental factors may trigger this kind of non-infectious disease. Excessive skin dryness that mainly occurs due to lack of some proteins may cause eczema.

The following are factors that trigger dermatitis:

- Soaps and detergents containing certain ingredients
- Staphylococcal bacteria
- Putting on rough clothes
- Certain solvents
- Certain ingredients in lotions
- Occlusive plastic/rubber gloves
- Regular drastic changes in skin's humidity, usually because of changes in weather.

Signs and Symptoms of Eczema

- Intensive itchiness of the skin
- Red and bumpy rash that appears in the later stages
- Oozing of a scratched rush that may turn crusty
- Thickened plagues in the skin that may occur due to continued rubbing
- Painful cracks that may degenerate over time

Time to Seek Medical attention for Eczema

Hydrocortisone cream is mainly used to treat eczema at home. However, if the problem persists, then you need to see a doctor. You should also seek medical attention if eczema is causing discomfort as you work or as you sleep. The condition is tricky to treat as each and every individual react differently to method of treatment. Therefore it is important to go to a dermatologist and not to treat eczema yourself.

Extreme cases of eczema include:

  • Fever, red, hot and painful skin; red oozes from the rush.
  • Attack on individuals whose immune systems are weak or suffering from certain medical conditions.

The above cases may call for urgent medical attention from specialists.

Tests to Identify the Type of Eczema

Microscopic examination may be carried out by a medical specialist so as to establish the type of eczema one is suffering from. In some cases, a pathologist may undertake biopsy. Key points in identification of atopic dermatitis:

- Appearance and intensity of the rash
- Family history of hay fever and asthma
- Intense itching on the spots

Treatment of Eczema

The surest way to treat eczema is to get rid of what triggers the allergic reaction. You may also prevent your skin from drying up by avoiding hot baths. Always use mild soaps and cleansers and apply emollient to your skin when still wet to prevent water evaporation. There are products which are specially made for sensitive skin, your dermatologist will assist you to choose the right skin care products to lessen occurrence of a flare-up.

Other Eczema treatment measures include:
- Wear loose clothing
- Chose absorbent fabric such as cotton.
- Do not scratch the rash and if you cannot avoid, cover up the area
- When you sweat always wipe immediately as to avoid exacerbation of the affected area.
- Use a prescribed steroid cream regularly until the rush disappears.

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