Friday, June 8, 2012

Eczema and Acne Herbs for a Powerful Footbath

In 1979, Maurice Mességué, the famous French herbalist, in his book "Health Secrets of Plants and Herbs" mentioned several herbal footbaths for all kinds of ailments. In this book he outlined his footbath treatment for Eczema.

The herbal recommendations he wrote is listed here and few more addition that are proved effective in reducing eczema symptoms. I have listed 11 herbs that you can buy in small quantities, ½ oz, to mix together, produce a tea, and then use in a footbath.

Made your tea with herbs and let them sit for 20-30 minutes, then strain and add them to a footbath. Use the footbath in the morning and evening for 10 - 14 minutes. Soak your affected area with this solution every day, and you would see the effect immediately.

Use at least 9 of the herbs listed here:

Artichoke leaves - Artichoke leaves dried whole or cut down could be bought or you could buy the extract. Artichoke leaves well known for indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome treatment. They help increase bile and help the liver to regenerate. The liver function is to detoxify toxin that enter our body and also those that created within as result of metabolism, therefore it needs to be in good condition to help when excess toxins are contributing to eczema. What I do is just buy some artichokes and cut them into small pieces - about a small hand full - boil water and put them into the boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then I take the boiling water off the stove and put my herbs.

Elecampane leaves - This herb is used to expel intestinal parasites, helps to pull toxins out of the body, stimulate digestion and the immune system. A tea of leaves and roots help clean the skin by removing toxins and allowing your immune system to heal your skin.

Cabbage leaves - these leaves are known to reduce your susceptibility to cancer, due to its ability to help cell regenerate faster. It is thought that cabbage leaves have anti-inflammatory action. Cabbage has a healing action on open wounds. You can use fresh cabbage cut into small pieces and add them to the boiling water at the same time you add the artichokes.

Nettles - Nettle tea is good for wounds, stings, and burns. It is also used to eliminate worms and for colon disorders. Toxic colon could result in skin disorder. That is why cleansing and detoxifying the colon will help with any type of skin problem.

Sage - this herb is a strong astringent, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. It increases blood circulation, and helps digestive problems.

Lavender - It is used for inflammation from insect bites. Lavender helps to calms nerves. As eczema always flare up when anxiety and stress occur, this herb helps to minimize it. Stress and anxiety lower our immune system and this allows toxins or heredity conditions to surface and re-establish themselves as skin diseases.

Marigold - is used for pain and skin swelling. It is good for wounds, sprains, and inflamed and sore eyes.

Arnica - stimulates blood circulation and increases blood pressure. It is used for eczema and acne. It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce swelling and pain and helps heal wounds.

Burdock root - Has an excellent history of helping bruises, swelling, and joint pain. It can help to eliminate ringworm on the surface of the skin. This herb specially helps to reduce redness in eczema.

Black Walnut - hull and leaves are used to rid you of various kinds of worms throughout the body. It is useful in constipation, parasitic and fungal infection. It also helps eczema, acne, herpes, skin parasites, and psoriasis.

Yarrow Flowers - helps to improve liver function. It has antiseptic and viral properties. It firms and tones tissue outside and inside the body. It helps to boost your immunity and kills many types of pathogens. Its oils absorb toxins and help the body dispose of them without creating side effects.

Don't be afraid of buying separate herbs and creating an herbal mixture that you can use in a footbath for eczema, acne and other skin conditions. These herbs if used regularly really could make a difference.  last thing, when you use the footbath, you will stir up toxins that may increase skin breakouts but this will pass as the footbaths help to clean out your body.

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